Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Power of Pepto-Bismol

This made me drool all down the front of my shirt. Two brothers, one mentally disabled, the other trying to help him out of a tough situation. Michael (center below) has been living out of a barn for nearly 30 years, a barn which he paid for himself and had a semi-finished apartment on the second floor up until a recent fire. Village officials say they didn't know he had been living there and now want him out because of village codes. They refuse to let him rebuild. And the harassment continues, back and forth... The brothers recently painted it the color of pepto-bismol out of spite and to call attention to their situation. They were a goldmine of great audio and I'm trying to carve out time to go back next week and drool some more.

1 comment:

Luanne Dietz said...

Hey great seeing with this one.. I think the first one would be a little stronger if he was a tad more to the left, so the shadow was framed int he door on the left.. LOVE the way you saw it though;)